My tranquil soul salutes you.
Your devoted Bip und your Marcel Marceau”
And it is a synthesis of the modern and the antique which makes Gero Trauth’s pictures so refreshingly new in today’s compartmentalized art world.”
So if it is possible to sense this joy through an inanimate piece of art, then the people who see our work can also receive a similar gift in so far as they can experience at least some of the satisfaction that went into its making.
Thank you, dear Gero – keep up the good work. Yours, Björn”
“Dear Mr. Trauth, yours is exactly my conception of the art and music of Russia: a synthesis of Russian Orthodox splendour and traditional folk art: this is what you capture so brilliantly in your paintings. ‘The Firebird and Ivan’ is magnificent artistic achievement!
With very best wishes, yours affectionately, Justus Frantz”
“Gero’s world ….. enchanting, seductive ….. pictures full of poetry and charm: entirely whimsical creations of great aesthetic appeal; a whole palette of shades ranging from the soft and lucid to wild orgies of colour. One is captivated by the subtle magnificence, is drawn into exuberant tumult of exquisitely delineated baroque arabesques.
Gero’s pictures provoke more than a transitory delight; they urge one to dream on and beyond this dream world – ideas to conjure with! Dreams of spring gentleness, aestheticism, grace, magical symphonies of colour, the blossoming of a joy in life, a yearning for happiness, warmth … these are the utopias, both subtle and delectable!”
I hope that we shall see many of your own peaceful oases of hope.
Yours, Otmar Alt”
I am entranced by Gero Trauth.
With clear decisive brush-stroke he
Lights up his world and also me.
Tales and legends, ancient lands
Conjured up by Gero’s hands.
One is enraptured,
Enthralled, encaptured.
Of Siegfried’s and Othello’s shame
Of dream-worlds’ pleasures and of pain
I too in songs
Do often declaim!
So what do we two artist share? –
Well, for our time we’re pretty rare!
And therefore through his art – no doubt –
I am entranced by Gero Trauth!”
“It was a festival for my delighted senses in a likewise noble and poetical ambience. The Cappella is more than an aesthetic refuge. Poetry pours from all the paintings. Fairy-tale-like language landscapes, tender sounds suggesting images, colourful sounds, resounding colours…I felt transported back to the epoch of Art Nouveau in which a designer’s mind carefully considered each object, each detail and included it in the overall idea, his or her synthesis of the arts and even went beyond that as more was at stake – one’s whole attitude towards life – perhaps even living one’s life as a form of art..”
your fairy-tale paintings, moving from one sunburst of colour to the
next. It was Harlequin, however, stringing a row of Chinese lanterns
across a children’s landscape which held my attention the longest.
Yours, Peter Härtling”
The children of your fantasy
Keep glowing
At the heart of your art
A remedy
For eyes set cold
And the frosty death
Of our vanishing planet.”
that perhaps his way of telling stories corresponds to your pictures
more strongly than any other contemporary German literature. He would
have been able to spin many a tale just from seeing your paintings.
Yours, Wolfgang Frühwald”
Colours, dreams, poetry, imagination. We need your pictures either to
prolong our childhood or move us back into it.
Very cordially Merci, Federico Mayor”
“No-one can resist the psychedelic power of the dreams and hallucinations in Gero Trauth’s paintings of a fantasy world. They are full of idealism, present a picture of an unbelievably harmonious world, and provide, through their detachment from reality, an enormous sense of liberation. And yet it is exactly this unreal sweetness and the clear brilliance of the colours which reveal a hidden truth: the bitterness of melancholy, the tone-in-tone greyness of everyday life and the sadness of the clown.”
Your wonderful, original watercolour has given me many happy hours.
Whenever I look at your painting, sunshine returns immediately, despite the dull autumn days.
Heartfelt thanks for the sunshine.
Yours, Birgit Nilsson”
we have quite a lot of your poetically imaginative pictures: for me,
your poetry is meta-realistic – it elevates everyday reality to its
best and it gives everything a sparkle which comes from deep inside.
We thank you for that – it is a glance into the poetic mind of your
world, which is ours, too.
Friendly greetings from Günther Fuhrmann”
Yours sincerely, Yehudi Menuhin”
Yours, Ferdinand Piëch”
Sincere congratulations on your latest oil paintings! We were deeply impressed by their uniquely imaginative, personal, poetic and beautiful fairy-tale atmosphere. It is indeed admirable that anyone nowadays possesses the courage to paint pictures which diverge so greatly from contemporary sterile installations.”
What a delight to step into such an enchanting world: so effortless, exhilarating, and poetic.
Thank you with all my heart.
Greetings and very best wishes. Yours, Marion Dönhoff”
Yours, Mirja Sachs”
With the help of your wonderful plate I could eat my way into a magic world, safe in the knowledge that the emptier the plate became the happier I should be. But of course you don’t actually eat from such a work of art; you rather look at it, find a nice place to put it and enjoy eating your spinach from a plain white plate instead.
Yours, Hellmuth Karasek”
“For many people nowadays the terms “Fairytale” and “Magic” are almost annoyingly provocative. Both indicate a condition which, thanks to science, man believed he had left behind him, but which people all over the world have tried to capture for eternity in their stories. In fairy-tales there are no clearly defined borderlines between the wonderful and the explicable – the invisible and the visible. Nevertheless, fairy tales, legends and myths are now celebrating an unmistakable renaissance. When we pause on our journey from myth (Mythos) to its expression (Logos), we only need to look back over our shoulder to rediscover the old stories and ancient perceptions of our world. We and the world need this idyll, and this is what Gero Trauth is telling us.”
“My very dear Mr. Trauth, what can one do in order to catch some of your ‘Flying Flowers’ for one’s own home and then to be enchanted by them and you for ever?
Yours, Kurt Biedenkopf”
Well, it really is difficult to get hold of the Lord of the Stars in person. You just never know which planet he’s hanging out on. Perhaps he’s having a stardust breakfast with the Little Prince and his friend, the Fox?…The affinity between you, Marceau and Exupéry came to my mind a lot earlier. It’s the same poetic magic – Paradise. My enthusiasm for your work began with “The Dreams of Katharina” and there is no end in sight….
Your love of Russian and Oriental art doesn’t surprise me. I, myself, have often danced at celebrations of the Russian community, mainly gypsy and Hungarian folklore dances – and this with blond hair and blue eyes!
This cannot be explained rationally, so I would like to quote the Lebanese philosopher, Khalil Gebran who said:
‘Your children are not your children; they are an expression of the desire for life itself’.
Yours, Brigitte Alexis”
“Dear Gero,
a sign of life at last – and many thanks!!
– Memories of a wonderful, turbulent evening to and fro!
Rain then and also today, I’m afraid….
…in its place: a picture of the sun.
For smiling and dreaming, childhood memories far away from where I am now??!
Thank you, thank you, thank you and a hug. Roxana is especially enthusiastic. Now our favourite picture!
Perhaps the painter too if he’s in Berlin. More often? Favourite artist?
Non-stop rain, hardly any sun – longing for brightness and warmth. Berlin – a winter city. Let’s meet in Italy or in our dreams of spring, although we two (G & D) are autumn rabbits…..
See you soon in Berlin, or here or there,
Yours, Dietrich”
Very best wishes, yours, G.S. Troller”

We sat a long time in the boat
Seeing the sky’s perfection
On the water’s face afloat
And saw through the pear trees’ branches
The swarming fishes billow
And a plane swam straight across a lake
To shatter soft on the willow
– soft on the willow
What will become of our dreams
In this trouble-torn land
The wounds themselves refuse to mend
Bound up with the filthy old band
And what will become our friends
And what of you and of me
– I would so much rather be somewhere else
Yet it’s here I prefer to be
– here I prefer to be
Gero Trauth, you will surely find the right picture for this song.
Sincerely, Wolf Biermann”

With Compliments! (Merci für Gero)
Karin und Wolfgang Clement
Warren E. Buffet
Birgit Breuel
Christian Lacroix
Hilmar Kopper
Dr. Helmut Kohl
Nubuyuki Idei
Dr. Dieter Hundt
Prof. Dr. Horst Hübner
Axel Hecht
Isa Gräfin von Hardenberg
Elisabeth Gürtler
Kofi A. Annan
Carl XVI Gustaf,
König von Schweden
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schrenk
Dr. Peter Schönlein
Helmut Schmidt
Dr. Herbert Schmalstieg
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble
Tatjana Fürstin von Metternich
Gräfin Sonja Bernadotte
Ihre Majestät, Beatrix
Dr. Michel Friedman
Francine von Finck
Ahmet M. Ertegun
Her Majesty, Elizabeth II
Gerhard Schröder
Martine Dornier – Tiefenthaler
Dr. Gerhard Cromme
Bill Clinton
Hans Zehetmair
HRH The Prince of Wales
Dr. Theo Waigel
Wolfgang und Gudrun Wagner
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Unseld
Christian Ude
Friede Springer
Steven Spielberg
Dr. Wolfgang Schuster
Siegfried & Roy
R. E. Turner
Prof. Dr. Konrad Redeker
Dr. Dr. Heinrich von Pierer
Dr. Michael Otto
Dr. Hans A. Nieper
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Tietmeyer